How to make transition from Easy Editor to Easy Builder?

The support time of our Easy Editor is coming to an end and it‘s time to switch to the new and improved Easy Builder. Whenever you‘re a newbie or an experienced user here‘s how to do it:

Using new Easy Builder templates:
If you’re just switching from an old editor or simply starting out, take advantage of the new templates in the first step of creating your campaign. Just choose from basic or predefined templates with the Easy Builder label. With Easy Builder, you get a wide range of content styling options, integrated AI, and other advanced functionality – all while keeping it very easy to use.

how to make transition from Easy editor to Easy Builder

Do you have a customized template?
If you’ve had a customized template created by us in the past and would like to create a new and better version for your new editor, please select a consultation date and we’ll be happy to discuss the available options with you.

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